Leader only image bug - HardwarePWM not found

For other users who experience this but don’t have internet:

  1. Download this zip file locally.

  2. Connect to your Pioreactor cluster’s network. On your command line, we’ll upload this zip file to your leader. For my Mac computer, uploading to my leader leader.local, this looks like:

    scp ~/Downloads/wheels_24.5.31.zip pioreactor@leader.local:~/
  3. SSH into your leader,

     ssh pioreactor@leader.local

    you should see this zip file if you do an ls.

  4. unzip the zip file to a folder:

    unzip wheels_24.5.31.zip -d wheels/
  5. And install everything you need:

    sudo pip install --no-index --find-links=wheels/ rpi-hardware-pwm plotext TMP1075 DAC43608 adafruit-circuitpython-ads1x15 
  6. Restart the Pioreactor

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