I accidentally pressed the delete experiment button versus the end experiment button in the UI which caused all the experimental data from my experiment to get deleted.
I already tried SSHing into the leader pioreactor but everything seems to be gone. Is the data fully irrecoverable?
Hi @ucl_star,
There’s a chance it’s still there if the leader’s image is from an older version (before version 24.6.10). Do you recall the exact name of the experiment? (If not, see below).
If you do, try creating an experiment with the exact same name, and navigating to the Overview page. Is there data again? If so, cool you’re good to go. If not, I’m afraid its gone =( ¹
Don’t remember then name? Try the following:
- On the leader, enter
pio db
- Enter the following the resulting shell:
SELECT DISTINCT experiment FROM logs;
Do you see your experiment name there?
¹ We’ll review this delete-experiment workflow for the next release to minimize the chances of accidental data loss. Sorry about this!