I am trying to figure out settings were used for a dosing automation and the settings look like string of charcters:
how do i interpret/decode this?
I am trying to figure out settings were used for a dosing automation and the settings look like string of charcters:
how do i interpret/decode this?
oh good question! This is Base64-encoded json data (to reduce size on disk), so you can reverse the operation by deocding. Here’s an example in Python:
import base64
import json
# Decoding the provided base64 encoded JSON string
encoded_str = "eyJ2b2x1bWUiOm51bGwsImR1cmF0aW9uIjoxMC4wLCJzdGF0ZSI6ImluaXQifQ=="
decoded_bytes = base64.b64decode(encoded_str)
decoded_json = decoded_bytes.decode('utf-8')
# Parsing JSON
decoded_data = json.loads(decoded_json)
{'volume': None, 'duration': 10.0, 'state': 'init'}
It makes sense to decode this for you on export, rather than giving you the raw encoded data.
Thanks. Does that mean we can expect decoded fields in the exported CSV as part of a future update?
Yes, probably next release, since I want to redesign the export data code, and we can accomplish this too: Export custom measurements via UI
@DocRuzzy this is now fixed in version 24.12.5