Denied Access through the VS code

Until now, everytime we wanted to adjust something in the program we would connect to the pioreactors ssh through VS code with no problem.
For some reason, now our access is denied every time we try.

The password was always ‘raspberry’, and we checked many times that we wrote it correctly, in english and with the Caps lock off.
We even pulled out the SD card and plugged it into the computer, and changed the password through the reaspberry PI imager, but it still didn’t help.

What we might have missed?

Hm, I’m not sure what’s happened. Do you remember what the displayed error was? Are you using a local-access-point network on the Pioreactor, or are you part of a different network?

this was the message: “Permission denied, please try again.”
I’m using a local access.

Hm, next time you get access, try changing the security to wpa in the configuration, like so:

# Only used if using the a pioreactor as a access point.
# See details at

Save, and then reboot.

If you can’t get access, you can add a config.ini file with the desired changes to the boot folder, and then start the Pioreactor up. See more here: Configuration via config.ini | Pioreactor Docs (let me know if you want more details about this)

I’m also using VS Code and have had similar problems before…
In my case it was because VS Code automatically updates the ssh plugin… so I had different versions on my laptop and on the pioreactor.
I fixed the problem by using a mobile hotspot from my mobile phone (the ssh plugin on the pioreactor will then also be updated when you try to ssh into the pioreactor via VS Code).

I’ll be glad to hear more details about the latter, thank you

That’s interesting! how were you able to be connected to the mobile hotspot at the same time as the pioreactors wifi?

We managed to solve the issue by deleting the text in the “Known Hosts” folder

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