Does Window Covering Impact OD?

Unfortunately I cannot find my window covering anywhere. If I run an experiment with the window covering off, will that invalidate the OD measurements?
Is there any STL file available and info on the screw sizes, so I might be able to print myself another window covering (I bought the original 20ml 1.0 Pioreactor)?

Hi @joe_pio,

The window has a small effect on OD readings, about 1% or less - just keep bring lights away from directly shining on the unit.

Here’s an STL for the window: Pioreactor 20ml v1.1 printable parts by Pioreactor | Download free STL model |

(it’s the same for v1.0 and v1.1)

We use 4x 4mm M2.5 screws I believe to secure it.