After coming back from my holiday I am experiencing extremely slow responsiveness in the Pioreactors and online interface. Things like turning on stirring takes 2 minutes to have an effect. And it takes more than a minute for the webpage to correctly show pioreactor status.
Today we even experienced that giving several commands in succession resulted in the pios not performing some of them. Like not starting to calculate growth rate despite the interface saying they are.
We are using a setup with an external leader and 12 connected Pios. Leader is a Raspberry 5 - 8 GB.
Anybody experiencing similar issues or with any idea what might be going on here. Maybe recent updates or anything else?
It sounds like connection issues to MQTT, since commands to start jobs and pioreactor status all use MQTT.
Can you run a few tests for me?
Is SSHing in to the leader Pioreactor still fast?
Once SSHed in, can you try pio mqtt - does that respond quickly (sub 1 second), or take minutes? (ctrl-c to exit)
In your shared configuration, there’s the section [mqtt] and parameter broker_address. Can you try changing the broker_address to the leader’s IPv4 address? You can get that IPv4 address from the hostname -I on the leader’s command line (or the UI’s Inventory page, if it’s displayed there).
Save that config - does that improve the response time at all?