Lost contact with MQTT server?

I started my first Pioreactor experiment (control testing) a couple of hours ago :tada:, after finally finding the time to prepare some YPD media and sterilizing it in a pressure cooker.

Everything seems to work fine so far, except that I’m getting a “Lost contact with the MQTT server” roughly every two minutes, even though it then almost immediately reconnects? It doesn’t seem to affect any of the readings, but is leading to a pretty noisy event log:


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Hi @gendor,

Hm, I’m not sure what’s causing that. Is worker1 your leader Pioreactor, too? Can you tell me the software version you are using (on the /updates page, titled Version installed)?

No, I’ve got leader and worker1.


hmhmhm, I’m not able to reproduce it. A few more questions:

  1. Is it only the growth-rate-calc job that is reporting this?
  2. Did it start reporting this almost immediately after starting growth-rate-calc job?
  3. Did you make any changes to the config.ini, specifically the samples_per_second parameter?

Is it only the growth-rate-calc job that is reporting this?

Yes, looks like it!

Did it start reporting this almost immediately after starting growth-rate-calc job?


Did you make any changes to the config.ini, specifically the samples_per_second parameter?

The only change that I recall making is increasing initial_duty_cycle for stirring to 50, as I had issues with the fan only working intermittently. That’s as an override in config_leader.ini.

samples_per_second is set to 0.2 in shared config.ini, and there are no overrrides in config_worker1.ini.

I’m sorry that I don’t have a better answer for you! If it’s not affecting the results: great. I am thinking it’s a one off problem, but I’ll make an issue around this problem to further track it. I am curious if in your next experiment, it happens again.

Hi Cam, no problem at all. If it happens again I’ll see if I can dig deeper myself to see if I can find something. Hopefully it was just a one off!

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