New Pioreactor software release: 23.7.31


  • Using builtin PID controller logic, instead of a 3rd party library. This shouldn’t require any updates to PID code or parameters.
  • Better error handling when the PioreactorUI API can’t be reached.
  • Some initial support for Basic Auth in the PioreactorUI
  • improved sensitivity of self-test test_REF_is_in_correct_position.
  • executing experiment profiles now checks for required plugins.
  • pio rm now asks for confirmation before executing.
  • Some minor noise reduction in OD reading job.
  • Plugins can be built with a flag file LEADER_ONLY to only be installed on the leader Pioreactor.
  • Stirring now pauses and restart duing OD calibration. Thanks @odcambc!
  • Breaking: Light/Dark cycle LED automation uses minutes instead of hours now! Thanks @c-bun!


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and click on “Update to latest release” in the top right corner:

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