Pi zero v2 not booting

Hey I am trying to set up a couple of reactors with pi zeroe v2.

I am writting the image to the SD card (PNY Elite 16GB) from a linux machine but when powering on, the green LED blinks a few times, then just constant on. There is no output to HDMI.

I tested it with another pi OS, the dietpi, both the ARMv6 and ARMv8 version and they both boot fine from the same SD card.

Anyone encountered similar, or know how to troubleshoot this? I was thinking to get a higher grade SD card, but since it boots another distro fine I no longer think this is the issue?

Hi @sisseck.net,

I don’t think your SD card is the problem. That sounds fine to me.

the green LED blinks a few times, then just constant on.

This is expected for the Pi Zero 2.

There is no output to HDMI.

This is also expected. Our images are “headless”, so no desktop environment is present. We turn off the HDMI output too since it’s not used.

You’ll need to connect from another computer on the same network, either via the web UI (http://pioreactor.local), or via SSH into your leader. You can connect via internet-sharing directly between a computer and Pioreactor.

ah I must have missed that :slight_smile: I will try getting it onto my wifi.

you are amazing :slightly_smiling_face:

1 up and running!