Raspberry pi models and upgrade kits

Hello everyone,

I’m new to this community and I have a question regarding the model of Raspberry pi to be employed. The only option available to buy together with the pioreactor is the Raspberry Zero 2 model. However, this is not the model employed in the assembly tutorial. My question is: Which models of raspberry pi are compatible with the pioreactor?

Also, I have a few questions regarding the upgrade kits. What are the differences between the The temperature expansion and high temperature updraged kits?

Finally, could you please tell me if any type of peristatic pump is adequate?

Thanks a lot.


Hi @hoderi95,

I’m happy to help.

  1. We only sell the Raspberry Pi Zero 2, but all Raspberry Pi’s can be used. We have more about specific Pi’s here. We like the value/price ratio of the RPi Zero 2, hence why we make it available to customers.

  2. So the high temperature upgrade kit is deprecated, and probably not for sale much longer. Our latest base model, the Pioreactor 20ml 1.1, does everything that kit could do.

    The temperature expansion kit provide more hardware that works with any Pioreactor to increase the resolution, accuracy, and frequency of temperature readings. The new capabilities allow for the culture to reach hotter temperatures, too (up to 70C I believe).

  3. I would suggest looking for peristaltic pumps that are 5V to 12V DC, and with low volume / min (since you’ll only be dosing a small amount). Here are some docs on the pumps, too:

Thank you very much for your help!
Thinks are now much more clear.
Kind regards