Unable to add workers detected by the watchdog

Oh what is this? pionetwork

Was that added during the setup?

Is this not the SSID network name of the leader/hotspot connection?

No, the SSID network name (by default) is pioreactor. That can be changed though. Importantly, was pionetwork typed in during the set up in the username field?

I have just started re-flashing the SD cards and realized that this was the latest setup on the Raspberry Pi Imager. I am setting up the entire cluster from scratch to see if this solves the issue.

However, in advance, I would like to apologize in advance for taking your time for such a simple human mistake if this is the case !! It is deeply appreciated that you sticked along the entire way. I will update you once I set the cluster.

I should be thanking you as well - reports like this strengthen the software (I’ve just added a new line of code that will prevent this in the future)

Let me know how your new attempt goes

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I can now confirm that the issue was due to using pionetwork in username field. This was mainly due to using pionetwork as the SSID network name. So again, sorry for all the struggle I created due to my inattention!

This being said, would it be possible to provide an output for such cases, so that the users will be asked to check the username field instead of the error log I have asked in the first place? or perhaps the initial username and password fields can be filled automatically to avoid such simple mistakes?

Yea, based on this interaction, we’ve changed the image software to pre-create the pioreactor user with better defaults (like not asking for a password when sudo is run). I think we’ve made it so that mistakes in the username & password don’t cause downstream problems.

Makes senses. Thanks for the help again Cameron!