Connecting more workers to cluster

For those that have gotten clusters of more than 4 workers connected, what has worked for you? I currently am running off a local access point (1 Raspberry Pi without Pioreactor hardware as the cluster leader, 4 workers, and 1 computer for viewing the UI) and whenever I try to add more workers get a timeout error (the 4-8 clients limit).

I’ve tried running the minimal firmware on my currently connected Pis’ (sudo update-alternatives --config cyfmac43455-sdio.bin), but when I did this, my cluster leader lost communication with the connected workers and I still couldn’t add more workers without it timing out.

I’ve been playing around with connecting them to a WiFi network instead, but the simple ncmli connection prompts mentioned on the forum (nmcli device wifi connect <AP name> password <password>) aren’t directly applicable to my situation since I’m trying to use eduroam, which would need both a username and password to the network. From some looking online, it seems like editing wpa_supplicant.conf should provide the necessary details for this connection. However, every time I’ve tried editing the file to include the network information, my cluster leader is then no longer able to communicate with the workers (and I can’t ssh into them to do the same changes to their wpa_supplicant.conf file due to their no longer being a connection on the local access point).

If anyone has had success with one of these methods or knows of another way, I’d greatly appreciate any advice.

Did you have any luck connecting to eduroam? As I found out on my query, editing wpa_supplicant.conf doesn’t work anymore with the nmcli Network Manager. Our institution has a second wifi network that uses MAC address registration instead of user/pw authentication, so I’ve not tried to get eduroam to work on my pioreactor. Connection details are kept in the /ect/NetworkManager/system-connections folder, with a separate file for each of your connections.

I did find this howto which looks like it should let you connect to eduroam. It might need to be adapted to your university’s specific requirements. Ours, for instance, doesn’t use certificates, so I imagine I would skip that step for myself.

Hi @DonalC and @drsingleton,

(sorry about the late reply, I was waiting until I had more information to share).

First, some terminology and understanding for us: a computer, like a Pi, has networking interfaces. For example, the onboard wifi on RPi’s is one such interface. The larger, model Bs, have an ethernet connector, which is another interface. Each interface can connect to 0 or 1 networks.

Second: wpa_supplicant.conf is deprecated in the latest RPi software, which we use. If you see a tutorial mention wpa_supplicant, it’s old and not applicable. NetworkManager, via the tool nmcli, is the new way to manage connections.

Using an external wifi device

The local-access-point is a good bootstrapping trick, but does scale poorly. The RPi’s built-in antenna isn’t very strong, and generally isn’t designed for lots of connections. As alternatives, we suggested users buy an external router (even cheap ones work fine) and connect all the units to this router.

Another option that I was just experimenting with is using a USB wifi device, like this, plugged into one of the Raspberry Pis in your cluster (it doesn’t need to be the leader). Simply: this adds another networking interface to your Raspberry Pi. A dedicated device like this has better range, and will allow connecting more devices to your local-access-point.

Note, (and we’re about to get nerdy) the current Pioreactor image is using Linux kernel version 6.1. With this kernel, to use this wifi device, you need to compile the driver - this is not something I expect you to do. Luckily, I am able to upgrade our Pioreactor image to Linux kernel 6.6, which does have support for this driver out-of-the-box. Literally, I just plugged in the USB device, and my RPi detected it right away and I could connect to networks with it. The image upgrade will come in our next release (next week?), however it requires a full image rewrite (but this can happen on a worker, and plug the USB into that worker and turn on the LAP on the worker).

As a bonus: with this attached to my RPi, I was able to have two wifi interfaces simultaneously: one creating an access point, and one connected to an external network. Note the “wlan1” and “wlan0” below.

Connecting to eduroam

Disclaimer: I believe all university networks are a bit different, so what’s below may not apply elsewhere.

I recently got a cluster of Pioreactors working on a local universities eduroam, so I can share what worked there.

We talked to the IT team and they had a system for connecting wired devices to the eduroam network (a wired connection is ethernet, so that requires a RPi B model). For this cluster, that worked fine, since we were hosting the leader on an RPi 4B for best performance. The IT team need a few things from us:

  1. The ethernet MAC address of the RPi 4B. The MAC address is a hardcoded identifier that doesn’t change. This is easy to find on a Pioreactor. Two options:

    • if able to access the UI (ex: turn on the LAP, and log into the UI), it’s on the Inventory page. Make sure you are looking at the ethernet MAC address, not the WLAN (wifi) one.
    • Even simpler: during boot up of the Pioreactor, we write a file to the SD card called network_info.txt. Once the Pioreactor finished booting, unplug it, remove the SD card, and put the card into your computer. In the bootfs folder is that file network_info.txt - this has the ethernet MAC address.
  2. They wanted to now about access to this device.

    • If the Pioreactor is on eduroam, it’s also broadcasting the web UI across eduroam. They wanted us to change the port of the web UI from 80 (the default) to something else. Recent versions of Pioreactor software allow this, and it’s easy to do.
    • they also wanted us to change add some firewalls - this is easy (since you control the OS) and I’ll someday soon write docs on how to add this.
  3. They wanted to know how we will connect the other Raspberry Pis. We suggested that the leader (who is connected over ethernet to eduroam) create its own local-access-point and all the workers connect to that. This is possible because the RPi 4B has two networking interfaces: an ethernet and a wifi. IT was so-so on this idea - they don’t like lots of rouge wifi networks. Instead, they had a small wifi network available in that building that we could use.So we connected the leader’s available wifi interface to that network, and the workers to that network. Here’s a diagram:

(But you can perhaps see how a local-access-point would work here, too, instead of “Building wifi”)

Once they were happy, they provided an IP address for the leader, so when it was plugged into their network, we could go to (for example), and we could see the UI and interact with the workers. Also, this leader had access to the internet.

There are details I skipped around connecting workers in this setup above, but I’m available to explain more (and eventually write some documentation).

Finally, we are dedicated to make all this easier for users. I believe the Pioreactor is a great tool expect for these networking hurdles. Happy to answer more questions and get feedback here, too.

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Hi @CamDavidsonPilon, thanks so much for this great breakdown of the available options. Glad to know that it was something inherent to newer RPi software rather than my approach that was causing the issues. Since I’m currently working with all 3A+'s and was planning to purchase a few newer ones with ethernet capabilities anyway, for either of these options (external USB WiFi device or ethernet connection) would a RPi 4B be sufficient or would you recommend a RPi 5 for the increased specs (I don’t see the 5 listed as a viable option in the documentation but don’t know if that’s just a matter of it being pretty new)?

As far as feedback, I think even just a quick mention in the software installation section of the documentation that older methods for creating WiFi connections (editing interfaces or wpa_supplicant.conf) are no longer valid, would save some headache for future users, as many of the top search results (even those that are < 2 years old) still mention these.

@DonalC, the RPi4 will be more than enough, even the lowest RAM option is sufficient.

Thanks for the suggestions: I’ll update our docs with the mention of an RPi5 (which is allowed, just overkill imo), and newer networking tools to use. Once done, I’ll post them here, too.

An initial documentation on networking is done here. I’d like to add more as we develop more tools for users to manage networking.

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